Online Seminar: What recent research studies tell us about females in chess

Jan 18, 2024

That women are underrepresented in chess and only very few made it into the top 100 player list so far is well established knowledge. Yet, the reasons of why we see such gender discrepancy and why so few women play chess remains poorly understood, with many speculations, but little fact-based knowledge. In this online seminar, the authors of two studies related to women in chess will present their data. Sophie Arnold will present her work on how parents and coaches perceive less potential in girls in chess due to unconscious Gender Bias1. Following, Alexey Root, Mathilde Congiu and Sophia Adam from Chessable will speak about the need for “Gender Inclusive Language”, which evolved as a project out of the results of the “Chess and Gender Participation Study”2 conducted by Chessable in 2022.

General information about the online seminar

Date: Thursday, 8th of February 2024
Time: 19.00 – 20.00 CET
Location: Online. Zoom link will be sent prior to the event to all participants that signed up

Sign up: Required via email to Please provide your full name, country and role/interest in women’s chess

Topic: The event is structured in two parts:

  1. Checking gender bias: Parents and mentors perceive less chess potential in girls
  2. Gender Inclusive Language


  1. Arnold et al. (2023), Checking gender bias: Parents and mentors perceive less chess potential in
  2. Van Delft (2022), Chessable Chess and Participation study. content/uploads/2022/09/Chessable-Chess-and-Gender-Participation-Study-Report-by-Karel-van- pdf