Other events
Join our online events where you will have a possibility to connect on an international level with many inspiring people. We will provide a space for sharing experience and best practice, a space for educating, encouraging women to play tournaments and European chess federations to create strong and positive female chess communities in their respective countries. We will organize a big event “ECU Girls Chess Weekend” with several side events like talks, seminars and coaching in Q1. And at the end of the year “Women’s Chess Conference” in London.
Other events 2024.

Save the date: Lecture & discussion with GM Sergei Movsesian on November 25, 2024
Topic: Typical mistakes in chess
We’d like to invite European female chess community (of all ages and all rating groups) to join our next lecture with an Armenian GM Sergei Movsesian.
Topic and content that Sergei chose for you is again very appealing: How to recognize and avoid the most common mistakes in chess?
Date: November 25, 2024 (Monday)
Time: 17:30 – 19:00 CET
To save your free place, please send your full name and your country to: womenchess@europechess.org

3rd ECU Girls‘ and Women‘s Chess Weekend
The ECU Commission for Women’s Chess is organising the 3rd edition of the ECU Girls’ and Women’s Chess Weekend. The event will take place on the weekend 30.11. – 01.12.2024. The weekend will consist of tournaments, seminars and coaching sessions. All events are online and are open to all female members of ECU Federations. Participants can either join all events or attend individual events they are interested in. Please see the detailed timetable and the sign-up information below.
Tournament Schedule
Seminar Schedule Sunday, 01.12.2024
Coaching Schedule Sunday, 01.12.2024
Detailed event information

Become a Certified Safe Play Ambassador: Advocate Training Session – October 13, 2024
We’d like to invite European female chess community (of all ages and all rating groups) to join our next lecture with a Performance Coach – Benjamin Portheault from France.
And the chess content is again very interesting: “How to be a resilient tournament player?”
Date: June 26, 2024 (Wednesday)
Time: 18:00 – 19:00 CEST
To save your free place please send your full name and your country to womenecu@gmail.com
We’d like to invite European female chess community (of all ages and all rating groups) to join our first lecture this year with a Slovak GM Jan Markos this year. And the chess content is again very interesting: “How to handle one of the most stressful, but at the same time an exciting part of the game?”
Date: March 12, 2024 (Tuesday)
Time: 17:30 – 18:30 CET
To save your free place please send your full name and your country to: womenchess@europechess.org
Everyone is welcome!
Online Seminar: What recent research studies tell us about females in chess
That women are underrepresented in chess and only very few made it into the top 100 player list so far is well established knowledge. Yet, the reasons of why we see such gender discrepancy and why so few women play chess remains poorly understood, with many speculations, but little fact-based knowledge. In this online seminar, the authors of two studies related to women in chess will present their data. Sophie Arnold will present her work on how parents and coaches perceive less potential in girls in chess due to unconscious Gender Bias1. Following, Alexey Root, Mathilde Congiu and Sophia Adam from Chessable will speak about the need for “Gender Inclusive Language”, which evolved as a project out of the results of the “Chess and Gender Participation Study”2 conducted by Chessable in 2022.
General information about the online seminar
Date Thursday, 8
th of February 2024
Time 19.00 – 20.00 CET
Location Online. Zoom link will be sent prior to the event to all participants that signed up
Other events 2023.
ECU Women’s Commission Exchange Forum 2023
Want to learn more about our work?
Join us for our ECU Women’s Commission Exchange Forum
During this online seminar, we will give an overview over our work to date and share with you are our event plans for the upcoming year
Date: Wednesday, 13.12.2023
Time: 19.00 – 19.45 pm (CET)
Location: Online (Zoom)
Registration: Sign-up required via email to womenchess@europechess.org. Please provide your full name, country and role/interest in women’s chess
“Playing against weaker and/or stronger opponents”, lecture & discussion with GM Jan Markos
We’d like to invite European female chess community (of all ages and all rating groups) to join another lecture with a Slovak GM Jan Markos. And the chess content is again very interesting: How to play against weaker and/or stronger opponents?
Date: October 11, 2023 (Wednesday)
Time: 17:30 – 18:30 CET
To save your free place please send your full name and your country to: womenchess@europechess.org
Everyone is welcome!

Online Blitz Tournament with a special guest – IM/WGM Stavroula Tsolakidou
We invite all European female chess players of all ages and all rating groups to join us to our first Online Blitz Tournament with a very special guest, IM/WGM Stavroula Tsolakidou from Greece. Stavroula, who finished during the last European Women Championship on an outstanding 4th place, is currently playing Fide Women World Cup in Baku:)
We are also happy about our first cooperation with ChessBase who will provide their platform Playchess for the tournament and contribute to our prizes in form of the ChessBase vouchers.
Please see attached invitation for more details.
To save your free place (number of places are limited) please send your full name, your country and rating to: womenchess@europechess.org
We look forward to see you at our event:)

“How emotions influence our decision in chess and also outside chess”, lecture & discussion with GM Jan Markos
We’d like to invite all female chess players of all ages and all rating groups to join our next event with a Slovak GM Jan Markos.
And the content can’t be more interesting: Why do we decide irrationally in both chess and life?
Date: May 17, 2023 (Wednesday)
Time: 17:30 – 18:30 CET
To save your free place please send your full name and your country to: womenchess@europechess.org
Everyone is welcome!

2nd ECU Girls‘ and Women‘s Chess Weekend
The ECU Commission for Women’s Chess is organizing the 2 nd edition of the ECU Girls’ and Women’s Chess Weekend.
The event will take place on the weekend 25. – 26.02.2023.
All events are online and is open to all ECU Federations, who would like to participate with a team. The event consists of a team battle, a rapid tournament, and various seminars.
Participants can either join all events or attend individual events they are interested in.
Please see the detailed timetable and the sign-up information below.